septembre 2008
Venner commente la visite du pape, Benoît XVI
Interview de Fiammetta Venner, co-auteur avec Caroline Fourest
de "Les nouveaux soldats du Pape", sur la venue du Pape Benoît XVI à
Paris. C'est un premier épisode sur cette visite tant attendue, on organise
pour vendredi un reportage avec le courant qui sera mis en ligne samedi matin.
En attendant...
du Pape Benoît XVI à Paris par Fiammetta VENNER
envoyé par teleTOC
Ahmed Meguini
Antoine Errasti
Clémence Damerval
Marc Villemain
Pierre Cattan
Roland Castro
Thierry Keller
Tristan Mendès-France
Virginie de Galzain
Site de l'agence TOC MEDIAS
Site du magazine TOC
Liens de Prochoix
le racisme et l'extrême droite | Laïcité
| Pro-avortement, santé, reproduction | Féminisme
| Environnement
| Sites
gais et lesbiens | Blogs remarqués
Si une adresse n'était plus bonne, merci de nous le faire savoir par
mail :
Contre le racisme et l'extrême droite
Sites laïques
Sites pro-avortement, santé, reproduction[1]
- Le Planning familial (MFPF)
- REVHO : REVHO (Réseau Entre la Ville et l'Hôpital pour
l'Orthogénie), association créée en 2004 dont le but principal est de
favoriser le developpement de l'IVG
médicamenteuse dans les cabinets de ville
- Equilibre et population
- Uspda
- Demain le monde est
une campagne d'éducation au développement et à la solidarité
internationale. Elle a été lancée en septembre 2001 par un collectif
d'associations afin de participer à la promotion des concepts et des
pratiques de développement durable auprès du public français.
- Family Planet est une campagne américaine de mobilisation
en faveur de l'accès à la planification familiale dans le monde.
- Safemotherhood
est une initiative internationale pour réduire la mortalité et la
morbidité maternelle dans le monde.
- Alan Guttmacher Institute, organisme à but non lucratif de
recherche en santé de la reproduction (New York).
- Catholics for
a free choice, organisme à but non lucratif
qui regroupe des catholiques favorables au libre choix en matière de
fécondité (Washington).
- [CGSO Trefpunt|
- Deutsche Stiftung Weltbev?lkerung (DSW), ONG allemande partenaire d'EuroNGOs
- EuroNgos
rassemble les ONG européennes qui agissent en faveur de la santé de la
procréation dans les pays en développement et facilitent ou encadrent des
programmes de population.
- [International Centre for
Reproductive Health ( lance
avec l'appui de la
Commission européenne des projets de prévention et
d'actions. (Belgique)
- International Foundation
for Population and Development
(IFPD), ONG suisse partenaire d'EuroNGOs
- Marie Stopes
International, organisation membre d'EuroGOs
qui soutient des programmes de santé de la reproduction dans les pays en
développement (Londres).
- Population Concern,
organisation non gouvernementale britannique membre d'EuroGOs
qui lutte pour le respect des droits et l'accès aux services de santé de
la reproduction (Londres).
- Population Council,
source d'information sur les questions de population (New-York).
- Vaestoliitto
(, ONG finlandaise partenaire d'EuroNGOs.
- World Population Foundation
(WPF) est une ONG hollandaise partenaire d'EuroNGOs.
- Fédération
internationale de gynécologie et d'ostétrique
- Fédération
internationale pour la planification familiale (IPPF), fédération
d'associations de planning familial de 150 pays (Londres).
- Fonds des Nations unies pour la population
(FNUAP), premier organisme d'assistance en matière de population, aide
plus de 160 pays à mettre en places des politiques de population, des
services de santé de la procréation, soutient la recherche démographique
et mène des campagne d'information sur ces
questions (New York).
- Fonds international de développement agricole
(FIDA) mobilise les ressources en faveur du développement rural dans
les pays pauvres et pour l'amélioration de leurs producations
- International confederation of midwives
- "C" votre solidarité,
portail relativement complet sur les différents modes d'actions
humanitaires accessibles à tous. Il comprend également des dossiers
d'actualité et des fiches sur des projets de terrain menés par des
associations françaises.
- 34 Million Friends of UNFPA, grassroots effort to find 34 million
Americans to each give $1 dollar to provide reproductive health services
in the world's poorest countries through the UN Population Fund. The
effort sprung up after President Bush witheld
the $34 million Congress designated for these services.
- Abortion Access Project. A Boston-based group working
to make abortion a more accessible option in Massachusetts. Advocating a more
extensive training of health practitioners to provide abortions, this site
has interesting information and some links.
- Abortion Clinics Online. A comprehensive listing of abortion
providers, broken down by country and state. About half of these listings
have their own web pages, usually providing contact information, medical
facts, and appointment information. There is also a section with links to
other pro-choice sites on the Internet, a welcome message that includes a
'you Are Not Alone? subsection and information on
birth control.
- ACT-UP, New York. Committed to action to end the AIDS crisis, the ACT-UP site lists
activist tips and documents, keeps a current list of action reports, and
sells ACT-UP merchandise.
Outreach Center. This resource center
has links to AIDS activist groups, safer sex advocates, medical
associations, and political organizations that deal with the AIDS crisis.
- Alan Guttmacher Institute. The Alan Guttmacher
Institute (AGI) is a public policy organization that works "to
protect the reproductive choices of all women and men--in the United
States and throughout the world," including the support of women's
"ability to obtain the information and services needed to achieve
their full human rights, safeguard their health and exercise their
individual responsibilities in regard to sexual behavior,
reproduction and family formation." Download their research and
publications and learn about the state of reproductive health throughout
the world.
- American College of Nurse-Midwives. Useful for consumers, potential midwives
and health care professionals, this site has basic information about
nurse-midwifery, tips on how to find a nurse-midwife, having your baby
with a nurse-midwife, and education and certification information. Also
find nurse-midwifery job opportunities and a strong list of links on
pregnancy and childbirth.
- Ann Rose's Ultimate Birth Control Links
Page. Ann Rose?s page is dedicated to educating the public about
sexual activity and birth control, and it contains invaluable information
on abstinence, condoms, the pill, emergency contraception, hormone
implants, and more.
- Atlanta Reproductive Health Centre, A Woman?s Guide to Contraception, Sexually Transmitted
Diseases. This
site includes information on contraception and sexually transmitted
diseases as well as Barnard
College?s Student Contraception
Guide and Student STD Guide.
- Campaign for RU 486 and Contraceptive
Research. The
past and present of FMF's campaign for approval
and access of this early abortion pill, including Facts on the Medical
Uses of Mifepristone, The Fight to Get Mifepristone in the U.S., and How to Get Mifeprex.
- Catholics for a Free Choice (U.S.). This D.C.-based group works
in partnership with reproductive health,interfaith and Catholic church reform groups
that share its commitment to safe, legal reproductive health care and
women's equality.
- Center for AIDS Prevention Studies. Committed to researching the
AIDS virus, this center provides information on
disease prevention, studies on AIDS and prevention, and ongoing research
- Center for Reproductive Law and Policy. The CRLP is a non-profit legal
and policy advocacy organization dedicated to promoting women's
reproductive rights. CRLP's domestic and
international programs engage in litigation, policy analysis, legal
research, and public education seeking to achieve women's equality in
society and ensure that all women have access to appropriate and freely
chosen reproductive health services.
- Center for Reproductive Rights. The Center
for Reproductive Rights is a non-profit legal and policy advocacy
organization dedicated to promoting women's reproductive rights. Their
site contains frequently updated information on the Center's
legal campaigns to improve access to reproductive health care throughout
the world, as well as many publications on reproductive health
technologies and issues- a great site for research.
- Choice 101 Your Online, Abortion-Rights, Education Course. 1) How to Keep
Abortion Legal. 2) The Anti-abortion War Is About Politics.It's
NOT About Saving Babies!
- Citizens for Midwifery. Citizens for Midwifery is a
non- profit, volunteer, grassroots organization. Founded by several
mothers in 1996, it is the only national consumer-based group promoting
the Midwives Model of Care. The goal of Citizens for Midwifery is to see
that the Midwives Model of Care is available to all childbearing women and
universally recognized as the best kind of care for pregnancy and birth.
Citizens for Midwifery also endorses the Mother-Friendly Childbirth
- Condomania. Condomania
provides information on condoms and various contraceptives, as well as
links to information on safer sex, resources and hotlines.
- CondomHall. CondomHall
is a student volunteer nonprofit organization
dedicated to students and their sexual health. We provide condoms and
condom advice/education as well as information on AIDS and STDs. Students
can even get Free Condoms. Our safer sex mission is to help prevent AIDS,
STDs and unwanted pregnancies among the student community. Students can
even get Free Condoms. We are very discreet and have a 100% Privacy
- Danco Laboratories. Danco
Laboratories markets Mifeprex (the trafde name for mifepristone)
in the United States.
Their site contains information on mifepristone
and its uses, as well as instructions on how to get Mifeprex.
- Dr. Deborah's Guide to the Federal Abortion Ban. This is the first and only
website dedicated to the physician perspective on the Federal Abortion
Ban. Written in clear and direct language, this site provides stories of
patients and doctors who will be affected by the ban, and Dr. Deb answers
questions about what the ban really means.
- Early Options. This site is administered by
the National Abortion Federation (NAF) in an effort to "educate and
instruct health care the safe and effective
administration of mifepristone/misoprostol for
early medical abortion." NAF is accredited by the ACCME and offers
health care professionals the opportunity to obtain CME credits
specifically on medical abortion. The site also contains information for
women considering medical abortion.
- Emergency Contraceptives. In the FAQ portion of the site, there is
instruction on how to use regularly prescribed pills as an emergency
- Evidence Accrues on Safety,
Efficacy, and Acceptability of Early Medical Abortion.
- Family Health Internationa. The site for this non-profit
group working to improve the quality of reproductive health care for women
around the world contains information on family planning, HIV, AIDS, STDs,
and Women?s Studies.
- Feminist Majority Leadership Alliances and
Choices Campaign.
Check out's sister site,, where pro-choice activists from campuses across the
nation meet!
- Feminist News Stories on Abortion rights. Read daily feminist news
stories on abortion and reproductive rights written by FMF staff.
- Feminist Women's Health Center of
This down-to-earth, friendly site contains a great pro-choice store,
personal stories, Spanish pages, stories on clinic violence and medical
abortion, emergency contraceptive information, Washington state resources and contact
information, general women's health information, and more. The site is
dedicated to providing empowering and personally supportive information.
Environnement, écologie
- Good Planet .
Réseau de lutte contre le Front national et le fascisme.
Sites gais et lesbiens. Sites contre l'homophobie
- Al Fatiha . Organisation de gays, de lesbiennes et de
transgenre musulmans ou d'origine musulman
- SOS Homophobie . Lutte
contre l'homophobie grâce à une ligne d'écoute
téléphonique anonyme et en sensibilisant l'opinion et les pouvoirs
- Site de Geneviève Pastre.
Blogs remarqués
La télé autrement